Northwest Archery LLC

Ordering Arrows

Ordering arrows for a gift?

Ordering arrows for the first time?

New to archery and need to know how to get started?

Please send us an email or give us a call.

We can help you.


Since most of our orders are arrows, and many of our customers are new to the sport, there are a few questions that need to be answered and it is easiest over the phone. If you prefer email, that is just fine with us.


Type of Bow

Recurve, Longbow, Selfbow, Horsebow

Also, brand or bowyer that made your bow


Bow Weight

Usually marked on bow @ 28" or

weight of bow at your draw length.


Your Draw Length

The length from your anchor point to the front of the bow.


Arrow Length

*BOH - Back of Head Measurement from the inside of the nock to the end of the arrow not counting the point. The point or broadhead is not measured as they come in many different lengths.

Our rule of thumb...1 inch longer than your draw length.


Bowstring Material

Dacron, High Tech Material such as Fast Flight or Dyna Flight, Linen, etc.

Arrow Selection Spine Chart

Bow Weight

at your draw








25-30 25-30 25-30 25-30 25-30 30-35 35-40  40-45 
30-35 25-30  25-30  25-30  30-35  35-40  40-45  45-50 
35-40 25-30 25-30  30-35  35-40  40-45  45-50 50-55 
40-45 25-30  30-35  35-40  40-45  45-50  50-55  55-60 
45-50 30-35  35-40  40-45 45-50 50-55  55-60  60-65 
50-55 35-40  40-45  45-50  50-55  55-60  60-65  65-70 
55-60 40-45  45-50  50-55  55-60  60-65  65-70  70-75 
60-65 45-50  50-55  55-60  60-65  65-70  70-75  75-80 
65-70 50-55  55-60  60-65  65-70  70-75  75-80  80-85 
      70-75 55-60  60-65  65-70  70-75  75-80  80-85 85-90 
      75-80 60-65  65-70  70-75  75-80  80-85  85-90  90-95 


If you have any questions about any of the above, please call or email us. We have been selling arrows to folks for many years and are pretty good at coming up with the right arrow spine and length.